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Repository for IMPA's 2022 Image Processing and Computer Vision Course

Assignment 2

For this lab, we recommend that students watch the video and read the material in the references section of this page.

Let us work with a convolution neural network for image classification. Use the notebook example by clicking here to help with assignment 2.


  1. Create a new notebook and then isolate the convolution network from the example.

  2. Run all cells and observe the behavior of the program.

  3. Try to improve network accuracy. Feel free to try.

  4. Follow the video example and create a new convolution neural network to work with the STL10 dataset.


Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch

Redes Neurais Convolucionais com PyTorch - Visão Computacional - Deep Learning #2

Introduction to PyTorch class. slides

Deep Video class.slides