Class Schedule - Part I

================= (Topics) ============

-- (Fundamentals)

[13/08] L01 - Introduction
[15/08] L02 - NN Architectures

[16/08] Le1 - Part II Overview

-- (Signals, Geometry and AI)

[20/08] L03 - Signals & ML
[22/08] L04 - Geometric DL

[16/08] Le2 - Part II Papers

-- (3D Representations)

[27/08] L05 - 3D Models
[29/08] L06 - 3D Conversion

-- (Geometry for Graphics and Vision)

[03/09] L07 - Geometry for Graphics
[05/09] L08 - Geometry for Vision

--  (Intermission - Part II)

[10/09] Le3 - Role-Playing Seminars
[12/09] Le4 - Paper Assignments

-- (View - Multiview) 

[17/09] L09 - Plenoptic Function & Light Fields
[19/09] L10 - Cameras and Multiview Reconstruction

-- (Illumination)

[24/09] L11 - Surface Illumination 
[26/09] L12 - Volume Illumination

-- (Rendering)

[01/10] L13 - Differentiable Rendering 
[03/10] L14 - NERF-GS Volume Rendering

--  (Points)

[08/10] L15 - Point Networks 
